
bill and melinda gates institute for population control

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[194] The foundation has said it lists all its grants publicly and does not enforce any rules for content among its grantees, who have editorial independence. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Got Questions is an excellent source for general questions. By continuing to use this site, you consent to the placement of these cookies and similar technologies and to our privacy practices. [38], In May 2022, The Gates Foundation announced the commitment of $125 million to aid in ending the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and to aid in preparing for future pandemics. BILL E MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION (INSTITUTE FOR POPULATION CONTROL) Risvegli Segui Sapevate con quale nome era nata la loro attuale fondazione? What are "reproductive health services"? [50], In July 2021, the foundation agreed on a back-up plan in the event that its co-chairs cannot work together due to their recent divorce. [109][223] These include companies that pollute heavily and pharmaceutical companies that do not sell into the developing world. [14][15] Since its founding, the foundation has endowed and supported a broad range of social, health, and education developments, including the establishment of the Gates Cambridge Scholarships at Cambridge University. TheGates Foundation awards a$40 million 10-year grant to the Institute, establishing it as a global leader in family planning and reproductive health. The foundation in 1999 funded an institute at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health called the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. Examples for the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge include: Scientists at the, In 2014, the Gates Foundation released "flexible funds" in the order of $50 million to United Nations agencies and other organizations involved in the work against the deadly disease. Most recently, the foundation gave a $12.2 million grant to the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) to assist libraries in Louisiana and Mississippi on the Gulf Coast, many of which were damaged or destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), a merging of the William H. Gates Foundation and the Gates Learning Foundation,[5] is an American private foundation founded by Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates. Question 194 The department does not hold information on the funding provided by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other pharmaceutical organisations to Australian organisations. First, sub-Saharan Africa already suffered from a shortage of primary doctors before the arrival of the Gates Foundation, but "by pouring most contributions into the fight against such high-profile killers as AIDS, Gates grantees have increased the demand for specially trained, higher-paid clinicians, diverting staff from basic care" in sub-Saharan Africa. PMA2020 usesmobile technologyto support fast, low-cost surveys of key family planning and other health indicators. D.C. Achievers Scholarships: The Gates Foundation announced March 22, 2007, a $122 million initiative to send hundreds of the District of Columbia's poorest students to college. The original video shows Zabin, who is a Vassar alum, speaking about her career, including the founding of the institute and its mission. We work together with businesses, government, and nonprofits, and each partner plays a specific role in accelerating progress. At the beginning of time, God turned the dark, empty and formless earth into a paradise He called very good. [226][227], Critics have called on the Gates Foundation to divest from the GEO Group, the second-largest private prison corporation in the United States. [169] It spent $373 million on education in 2009. [20] In the case of the Gates, the work referenced was that of BMGF. The Gates Cambridge Scholarship accepts less than 0.3% of applicants and remains extremely competitive. Some of the foundation's educational initiatives have included: Some critics fear that the foundation directs the conversation on education or pushing its point of view through news coverage. Articles from The Associated Press and other news outlets in the 1990s corroborate that this was the name used at the time. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Matt.12:30. The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health was established at the School of Public Health in 1999 with a $20 million grant from the Gates Foundation, following a successful pilot grant awarded to the School in 1997. [72], According to the OECD, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided US$4.1 billion for development in 2019. In 2009, the foundation decided to refocus its WASH effort mainly on sustainable sanitation services for the poor, using non-piped sanitation services (i.e. Second, "the focus on a few diseases has shortchanged basic needs such as nutrition and transportation". In mid-2011, the foundation announced in its new "Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Strategy Overview" that its funding now focuses primarily on sanitation, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, because access to improved sanitation is lowest in those regions. The coming months may bring incredible suffering, not just to America, but to our entire world. Committed grants This database includes grant commitments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. Gates Foundation, Gates Library Foundation, and Gates Learning Foundation) from 1994 onward. This was because the sanitation sector was generally receiving less attention from other donors and from governments, and because the foundation believed it had the potential to make a real difference through strategic investments. The Global Health Program's other significant grants include: Beginning in 2020, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has provided hundreds of millions of dollars of funding towards initiatives surrounding the COVID-19 public health crisis. The year marked the creation of Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, with an initial investment from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The woman mistakenly refers to the institute as the Institute for Population Control, but full video from the event shows that Zabin later corrects her and reiterates that it is the Institute for Population and Reproductive Health., THE FACTS: Social media users are sharing the 14-second clip of Vassars then-alumni president misspeaking, falsely claiming it is evidence that the foundation co-chaired by the Microsoft founder and his ex-wife was once named the Institute for Population Control. [37] At the Global Vaccine Summit in June 2020, the BMGF pledged $1.6 billion (or just under 20% of the total) for the subsequent five years. was published 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205. How Billionaires Rule Our Schools", "An educator challenges the Gates Foundation", "Bill Gates spent a fortune to build it. We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information and to personalize the site. [44][45], In July 2018, Buffet announced another donation of his company's Class B stock, this time worth $2 billion, to the Gates Foundation. 2001-2023, Johns Hopkins University. A short video shared to Instagram Jan. 16 shows a woman holding a July. The NIH and BMGF have enjoyed a working partnership since the creation of Grand Challenges in Global Health, now celebrating its tenth year. Under President Allan Golston, the United States Program has made grants such as the following: Up to 2013, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided $71 million to Planned Parenthood and affiliated organizations. The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health conducts and facilitates cutting-edge research in family planning, reproductive health, and population dynamics. The first International Conference on Family Planning, the largest scientific gathering on family planning,is held in Uganda with later ones in Senegal, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Rwanda. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. We devoted more and more time to its work until we were both doing it full-time. In 1999, the foundation gave a $20 million grant to establish the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, according to the institutes website. This is called open defecation and it poses significant health risks. [197][201][202], A 2007 investigation by The Los Angeles Times[130] claimed there are three major unintended consequences with the foundation's allocation of aid towards the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Bill and Melinda Gates truly believe that population control is key to the future. in reproductive health, was the institutes director until 2002. The Butcher of Gujarat, Modi, doesn't deserve an award from the Bill Gates Foundation", "Opinion | Why I Resigned From the Gates Foundation", "WHRO Gates Foundation's Humanitarian Award To India's Modi Is Sparking Outrage", "How Bill Gates and fellow billionaires can actually help public education", "The Washington Post's 'Tense' Talk With Bill Gates on Common Core", Report: Gates Foundation Causing Harm With the Same Money It Uses To Do Good, "Dark cloud over good works of Gates Foundation", "How the Gates Foundation's Investments Are Undermining Its Own Good Works", "Demonstrators Protest Gates Foundation's $2.2 Million Investment in GEO Group", http://www.iamawake.co/revealed-bill-gates-invests-billions-in-fast-food-private-prison-and-oil-companies/, "A Brief History of America's Private Prison Industry", "Gates Foundation resists pressure to pull private prison investment", "Is the Gates Foundation Still Investing in Private Prisons? The Gates Foundation and the Future of U.S. "Public" Schools. The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, known simply as the American Enterprise Institute ( AEI ), is a center-right [2] Washington, D.C.-based think tank that researches government, politics, economics, and social welfare. [95] India is the country with the highest number of people practicing open defecation: around 600 million people. [169] The foundation was the biggest early backer of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. "I guess the name "Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control" didn't bode well in the focus groups during Bill Gates' transformation to sweater guy." The official announcement explained that the grant would allow the IJM to "create a replicable model for combating sex trafficking and slavery" that would involve the opening of an office in a region with high rates of sex trafficking, following research. The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has been awarded two grants totaling $71.3 million to expand the reach of The Challenge Initiative, a global platform that supports the sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls living in poor urban communities in Africa and Asia. The Gateses founded the William H. Gates Foundation in 1994, named for Gates father, according to the foundations website. Learn more about fact-checking at AP. [79], In March 2006, the foundation announced a $5 million grant for the International Justice Mission (IJM), a human rights organization based in Washington, D.C., US to work in the area of sex trafficking. 04 Sep 2022 05:51:23 [59], Improved sanitation in the developing world is a global need, but a neglected priority, as shown by the data collected by the Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) of UNICEF and WHO. [220], Critics say that Gates-backed reforms such as increasing the use of technology in education may financially benefit Microsoft and the Gates family. The system includes grants only, not direct charitable contracts or Program Related Investments. . We can't achieve our goals on our own. [127], The foundation has donated billions of dollars to help sufferers of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, protecting millions of children from death at the hands of preventable diseases.[130]. A New War Over Birth Control In Africa. [4] On his 43rd birthday, Bill Gates gave the foundation $1 billion. One either serves the Lord in righteousness or the god of this world in wickedness. Kuchenrither, R. D., Stone, L., Haug, R. T. (2012). Research Associate Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. [100][101] It was complemented by a program called "Grand Challenges Explorations" (2011 to 2013 with some follow-up grants reaching until 2015) which involved grants of $100,000 each in the first round. [60] This move has been widely applauded by those who are working in the area of capacity building and knowledge sharing. A record 600+ youths attend the youth preconference. [47][48] Also announced was the decision to spend all of the foundation's resources within 50 years after Bill's and Melinda's deaths. University Scholars Program: Donated $20 million in 1998 to endow a. Washington State Achievers Scholarship: The Washington State Achievers program encourages schools to create cultures of high academic achievement while providing scholarship support to select college-bound students. [102], Since the launch of the "Reinvent the Toilet Challenge", more than a dozen research teams, mainly at universities in the U.S., Europe, India, China, and South Africa, have received grants to develop innovative on-site and off-site waste treatment solutions for the urban poor. [197][198][199][200], Examples of some of the K-12 reforms advocated by the foundation include closing ineffective neighborhood schools in favor of privately run charter schools; extensively using standardized test scores to evaluate the progress of students, teachers, and schools; and merit pay for teachers based on student test scores. [169] In October 2017 it was announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would spend more than $1.7 billion over five years to pay for new initiatives in public education. ", "Storytelling Matters: A Look at the Gates Foundation's Media Grantmaking", "Got Dough? The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health was established at the School of Public Health in 1999 with a $20 million grant from the Gates Foundation, following a successful pilot grant awarded to the School in 1997. 2012 tax return uploaded to this web page: the second largest charitable foundation in the world, International Aid Transparency Initiative, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Health Organization Nigeria Country Office, Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maz y Trigo, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, International Food Policy Research Institute, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, University of Washington Department of Global Health, London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science, Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex, Financial endowment Divestment campaigns and impact investing, Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute, List of wealthiest charitable foundations, "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Financial Statement 2020", "The Gates Foundation has enormous impact. It has refused to comment on whether it is continuing its investments. [76], The foundation posts its audited financial statements and 990-PF forms on the "Financials" section of its website as they become available. Critics also believe that the Gates Foundation exerts too much influence over public education policy without being accountable to voters or taxpayers. The foundation section, based in Seattle, US, "focuses on improving health and alleviating extreme poverty", and its trustees are currently Bill and Melinda Gates; Warren Buffett announced his resignation as a trustee on June 23, 2021. ICFP in Kigaliconvenes 4,000+ participants from 119 countries for a program that features 1,600+ presentations. [56] As of April 2014, the foundation is organized into four program areas under chief executive officer Susan Desmond-Hellmann, who "sets strategic priorities, monitors results, and facilitates relationships with key partners":[57], The foundation maintains an online database of grants. [204][205][206][207] After the Gates foundation urged the University of Oxford to find a large company partner to get its COVID-19 vaccine to market, the university backed off from its earlier pledge to donate the rights to any drugmaker. It should operate "off-the-grid" without connections to water, sewer, or electrical networks. Invest as low as 10,000 and earn better returns than FD 10,000. The two organizations together represent 54% of global research and development expenditure on diseases that disproportionately affect populations in low- and middle-income countries 1. Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control Perhaps the reader would like to look back on a few articles about Gates' nefarious actions towards children in third world countries and about his obsession (and his father's) with EUGENICS: THE CULLING OF THE HUMAN RACE BEGINS: See the Horrifying Ingredients in AstraZeneca's Covid-19 Vaccine At that point, around the 38-minute mark of the video, she notes: And it is not Population Control, thats a naughty word these days. [61] As of January 1, 2015 their Open Access policy is effective for all new agreements. [49], The plan to close the Foundation Trust is in contrast to most large charitable foundations that have no set closure date. [71][72], The following table lists the top receiving organizations to which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed funding, between 2009 and 2015. In 2005, Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, along with the Irish rock musician Bono, were named by Time as Persons of the Year 2005 for their outstanding charitable work. They contend that the Gates Foundation should be embracing anti-poverty and living wage policies rather than pursuing untested and empirically unsupported education reforms. Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 launches. "[129][203] Critics also complain that Gates Foundation grants are often awarded based on social connections and ideological allegiances rather than based on formal external review processes or technical competence. This is about gaining control over the human race and limiting population." [214][215][216] A petition signed by over 100,000 people also demanded that the Gates Foundation rescind the award. Advance Family Planning launches with20+ partner organizations in 10 countries. The findings of the report formed the basis for the Revised National Policy on Population for Sustainable Development, which was launched by President Muhammadu Buhari on February 3, 2022. Now a Florida school system is getting rid of it", "Gates Foundation chief admits Common Core mistakes", "Inside the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation", "The flip side to Bill Gates' charity billions New Internationalist", "Critics say Gates Foundation's agriculture program won't help poor farmers", "They Pledged to Donate Rights to Their COVID Vaccine, Then Sold Them to Pharma", "The Gates Foundation, Ebola, and Global Health Imperialism", "Dismay at Gates Foundation prize for Narendra Modi | Letters", "The Gates Foundation shouldn't legitimise Narendra Modi", "Don't reward fascism. And when our good friend Warren Buffett donated much of his fortune to our foundation, it allowed us to raise our ambitions about taking on the toughest, most important problems . But not anymore., A spokesperson for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation further confirmed neither the foundation nor the institute were titled the Institute for Population Control.. This is intended to lower administrative costs over the years of the Foundation Trust's life and ensure that the Foundation Trust does not fall into a situation where the vast majority of its expenditures are on administrative costs, including salaries, with only token amounts contributed to charitable causes. Only 35% of the world's population has access to the Internet. [99] Both funding schemes explicitly excluded project ideas that relied on centralized sewerage systems or are not compatible with development country contexts. [157], By April 2020, the foundation had provided backing for six candidates for vaccines against COVID-19. Contributions like these are . The Institute begins training what now totals more than 1,000 scholars and fellows from 30 countries. 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