Rarely employed since the end of World War II in 1945, fascism is a form of government combining the most extreme aspects of both totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Such a political system is based on authority of the ruling person and citizens of the state are not making a part in making decisions for their state. Democracy is a political system where the people are the source of sovereignty and power. Definition and Examples. Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, characterized by one-party totalitarian regimes run by charismatic dictators, glorification of violence, and racist ideology. They take all other powers as well. Rarely employed since the end of World War II in 1945, fascism is a form of government combining the most extreme aspects of both totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Totalitarianism political system oppresses the rights of an individual from general public through the use of power. What Is Totalitarianism? Dictator Benito Mussolini and Fascist Party leaders during the March on Rome. They had both great impact on the modern European history. More recent examples of totalitarian states include Iraq under Saddam Hussein and North Korea under Kim Jong-un. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal. All of this nationalism contributes to a state of totalitarianism in which there the state is controlled by one party, and there is a single strong and usually charismatic leader. Longley, Robert. Both communist and fascist governments have employed propaganda, military rule and execution of political dissidents. This passion for racial purity often led fascist leaders to undertake mandatory genetic modification programs intended to create a pure “national race” through selective breeding. Fascism claimed to oppose liberal capitalism, but also international socialism, hence the concept of “third way”, the same position that would be held by Argentine Peronism years later. If we compare, for example, the view of Nazi rule as it emerges from Friedrich's studies to that which appears in Robert Koehl's article on "Feudal Aspects of National Socialism,"'1 we might wonder whether the … Definition and Examples, What Is a Military Dictatorship? Fascism and totalitarianism are two ideology-based authoritarian systems of political governance that could be found in their pure forms in certain parts of the world in history, and today those can be found to be working not in purity but in conjunction with other politicalideologies. Like the difference between a Ford and a Toyota, it’s purely a rhetorical difference, one of image. Totalitarian Vs. Authoritarian Governments. They also consider a totalitarian, one-party state as the key to preparing the nation for war and its resulting economic and social hardships. Definition and Examples, What Is Plutocracy? In a totalitarian state, the government’s range of control over the people is virtually unlimited. Fascists observed how rapid, mass military mobilizations during World War I blurred the lines between the roles of civilians and combatants. […] However, the two are entirely dissimilar from each other. People who support such political system are of the view that a state can flourish and stay strong as long as the leadership is strong and a single person is governing all the issues of the state. ADVERTISEMENTS: This article provides information about the totalising societies: An important part of critical theory is related to their critique of totality and totalising forces. Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state’s power is unlimited and controls virtually all aspects of public and private life. Fascism and Nazism are quite often considered to be the same or at least refer to the same ideologies. Even when compared to extreme nationalistic ideologies like Marxism and anarchism , fascism is typically considered to be at the far-right end of the political spectrum. The concept of Fascism is one that has many interpretations from different quarters. However, most of the definitions of Fascism hold the view that Fascism is a system that promotes a one-party dictatorship. They are simply different brands of totalitarianism. After the division of the Soviet Union, these ideologies lost their meaning in particular. In pre-World War II Europe, fascists movements tended to promote the belief that non-Europeans were genetically inferior to Europeans. Fascist Totalitarianism. One of the major differences is that in fascism, the decisions are made by the ruling party, whereas in totalitarianism, the decisions are in the hand of one person that is unopposed. Fascism is characterized by the imposition of dictatorial power, government control of industry and commerce, and the forcible suppression of opposition, often at the hands of the military or a secret police force. Fascism is much older concept of political ideology than totalitarianism. One distinctive feature of totalitarian governments is the existence of an explicit or implied national ideology—a set of beliefs intended to give meaning and direction to the entire society. Totalitarianism is a politically run system where the state holds total authority and power over society and pursues control of all aspects of communal and private life. Fascism controls the people by using power if they try to oppose those in power. Examples of characteristics that might be present in a totalitarian state include: Typically, the characteristics of a totalitarian state tend to cause people to fear their government. Instead, the label is more often used pejoratively by those critical of particular governments or leaders. Even when compared to extreme nationalistic ideologies like Marxism and anarchism, fascism is typically considered to be at the far-right end of the political spectrum. https://www.thoughtco.com/totalitarianism-authoritarianism-fascism-4147699 (accessed March 30, 2021). Comparison of Totalitarian vs Fascism proves to be significant when we are studying different types of governments. This political system is talked about as the political system without any limits on authority of the person or party governing the state. Fascist political system is also opposes people or a group of people who oppose the decisions of state. Both Communism and Fascism can be similar in practice in their authoritative forms, but the two are very different ideologically. The many similarities include the pervasiveness of nationalism, statism, totalitarianism and militarism. In addition, fascists view democracy and the electoral process as an obsolete and unnecessary obstacle to maintaining constant military readiness. Early examples of totalitarian states include Germany under Adolf Hitler and Italy under Benito Mussolini. Both of them were dictator fascists, looked for the new form of government: totalitarianism. Understanding Fascism For What It Is: The fact that finally fascism is about power, raw power, power as its own final justification, helps us understand 4 concepts. Totalitarianism is a form of government of single ruler how controls everything. (2021, March 29). Totalitarianism can also be compared with dictatorship as it is almost the same. Fascism has its roots in the superiority of a person or a class and is closer to totalitarianism but communism is different from both these ideologies as it believes in a class less and stateless society. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler in Munich, Germany September 1937. Although communism in theory differs significantly from fascism, in practice, the two ideologies are nearly identical. The term ‘fascism’ is derived from the Latin word fasces symbolizing po… Similarities. • Fascism promotes a charismatic, personalist, dictatorial style of leadership; with the leader worshipped as a god-like figure. ThoughtCo, Mar. While the People’s Republic of China under Chairman Mao Zedong was considered a totalitarian state, modern-day China is more accurately described as an authoritarian state because its citizens are now allowed some limited personal freedoms. This opposition to international socialism and communism is precisely what has caused so much confusion in the ideological location of fascism, Nazism and also Peronism. Such is the case with totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and fascism. Drawing on those experiences, fascist rulers strive to create a rabidly nationalistic culture of “military citizenship” in which all citizens are willing and prepared to take on some military duties during times of war, including actual combat. All rights reserved. Still, most Western civilizations and governments quickly rejected the concept of totalitarianism and continue to do so today. They take power, but not just the power that they’re given. He has written for ThoughtCo since 1997. Overview of Fascist and Totalitarianism ideologies and symbols. Definition and Examples, What Is Colonialism? Totalitarian vs. Authoritarian Governments. Definition and Examples, The presence of a single ruling political party, Strict censorship, if not total control of the press, Constant dissemination of pro-government propaganda, Mandatory service in the military for all citizens, Prohibition of certain religious or political groups and practices, Prohibition of any form of public criticism of the government, Laws enforced by secret police forces or the military, Limited political freedom with strict government controls imposed on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties, and interest groups, A controlling regime that justifies itself to the people as a “necessary evil” uniquely capable of coping with “easily recognizable societal problems” such as hunger, poverty, and violent insurgency, Strict government-imposed constraints on social freedoms such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity, The presence of a ruling executive with vague, shifting, and loosely-defined powers. For example, while the former Soviet Union declared itself a democracy, its elections were not “free and fair”, as only one party with state-approved candidates was represented. Definition and Examples, What Is Democracy? Robert Longley is a U.S. government and history expert with over 30 years of experience in municipal government. While all power in an authoritarian government is held by a single dictator or group, the people are allowed a limited degree of political freedom. If they were TV shows, Nazism would seem like a spin-off to the popular Fascism that came before it, only Nazism takes things too far. Comparison of Totalitarian vs Fascism. According to Russian history expert and author Richard Pipes, Fascist Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini once summarized the basis of totalitarianism as, “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”. A Comparison between Hitler and Mussolini Both Hitler and Mussolini believed in totalitarianism between the two world wars. Mussolini supported Italian Fascism, while Hitler supported German Nazism. The foundation of fascism is a combination of ultranationalism—an extreme devotion to one’s nation over all others—along with a widely held belief among the people that the nation must and will be somehow saved or “reborn.” Rather than working for concrete solutions to economic, political, and social problems, fascist rulers divert the peoples’ focus, while winning public support, by elevating the idea of a need for a national rebirth into a virtual religion. Such political system also has a violent approach as such political system thinks that people should be able to become violent at time and indulge in war when needed to make the nation strong enough. In 1964, Juan José Linz, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Political Science at Yale University, described the four most recognizable characteristics of authoritarian states as: Modern dictatorships such as Venezuela under Hugo Chávez and Cuba under Fidel Castro typify authoritarian governments. Definition and Examples, The Differences Between Communism and Socialism, What Is Kleptocracy? Fascism employs the mass communication and media which is controlled by state to spread propaganda that works to provide favor to the ruling people of the state which allows rulers to avoid opposition from the general public. An authoritarian state is characterized by a strong central government that allows people a limited degree of political freedom. This article targets to describe the two ideologies, totalitarianism and fascism. Firstly, I would like to start telling one of the similarities of Hitler and Mussolini. • Fascism sees itself as a movement of the young, emphasizing energy, health, vitality and generational conflict. Some part of the world followed capitalism while some other part followed fascism. This is despite the fact that they are both totalitarian ideologies, are closely related in design, and both sprung up … Definition and Examples, What Is Autocracy? The term “neo-fascist," for example, describes governments or individuals espousing radical, far-right political ideologies similar to those of the World War II fascist states. Definition, Examples, Pros and Cons, What Makes a Ruler a Dictator? However, the political process, as well as all individual freedom, is controlled by the government without any constitutional accountability. Difference Between Fascism and Communism and Totalitarianism, Difference Between Swine flu and Ordinary flu, Difference Between Apple iPad and Apple iPad 2, Difference Between Outsourcing and Offshoring, Difference Between Logical Possibility and Metaphysical Possibility, Difference Between Coronavirus and Cold Symptoms, Difference Between Coronavirus and Influenza, Difference Between Coronavirus and Covid 19, Difference Between Nook and Kindle electronic book readers, Difference Between Freeze Fracture and Freeze Etching, Difference Between Detrital and Grazing Food Chain, Difference Between Complex Salt and Double Salt, Difference Between Fabaceae Solanaceae and Liliaceae, Difference Between ABO and Rh Blood Grouping System. Fascism was first seen in Italy during World War I, later spreading to Germany and other European countries during World War II. They were always opposed to any form of totalitarianism, whether it was the totalitarian society of fascism in Germany or the totalising form of administered socialism in the Soviet Union. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright © 2010-2018 Difference Between. On the other hand Totalitarianism is a political system in which the power to make all decision of the state is in the control of an individual. Totalitarianism- a system of government that requires complete subservience to the state. Historically, the primary function of fascist regimes has been to maintain the nation in a constant state of readiness for war. It is authoritarian and seeks to encourage nationalistic tendencies at all levels. However, fascism does support private property rights and the existence of a market economy and very wealthy individuals. Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and Fascism. So totalitarianism attempts to rule by establishing total control of the citizens' lives. Across the globe, there were various systems, or rather ideologies which are being followed, totalitarianism and fascism are two of them. Fascism is a type of political government in which the state is being governed by a single political party. What is the difference between Totalitarianism and Fascism? Fascism is a specific form of totalitarianism, based on a rigid hierarchical model of control that suppresses all democracy and forbids all personal choice. Italian fascism, as an ideology, as a party and as a regime was the first manifestation of a new revolutionary and totalitarian, mystic and palingenetic nationalism, by which other right wing movements and regimes born in Europe between the wars were inspired, each of these adapting the fascist model, in part or in whole, to their national specifics. This leader in fascism usually represents the nation, while in communism this leader’s power derives from … Fascism was a political ideology that has its origin in Italy and has been transferred to Germany at a later stage. On the other hand Totalitarianism is a political system in which the power to make all decision of the state is in the control of an individual. Totalitarian and Fascism may differ drastically in their principles or they could be such government forms, which are derived from one another. Longley, Robert. Socialism and Fascism are basically the same forms of totalitarianism or State-ism where the government controls all manufacturing, energy, transportation and food. As such, both pursue collectivism (ownership of the land and the means of production by the state) as a part of an economy led by the state, the establishment of a dictatorship led by a leader who literally has all power and glorify violence, imperialism, and militarism. Fascism is the Western European brand. Today, few governments publicly describe themselves as fascist. Fascism- a dictator ruling a system of government usually by force. The difference between these ideologies will be discussed here. The concept of totalitarianism was developed in the 1920s by Italian fascists. The government controls nearly all aspects of the economy, politics, culture, and society. They attempted to spin it positively by referring to what they considered totalitarianism’s “positive goals” for society. • Fascism is extremely male supremacist, relegating women to subservient roles in society. Fascism also refers to creation of a single party that has all power of the state. The notion that totalitarianism is total political power which is exercised by the state was formulated in 1923 by Giovanni Amendola, who described Italian Fascism as a system which was fundamentally different from conventional dictatorships. "Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and Fascism." Fascists have commonly sought to eliminate the autonomy of large-scale capitalism and relegate it to the state. Communism is what the hippies in the 1960's though was a good idea; where everyone contributes to the common good. There are many similarities between Fascism and National Socialism. Since Mussolini and Hitler are allies, the way they used fascism is very similar, they have almost the same political point of view. Definition and List of Dictators, What Is a Constitutional Monarchy? They control the government. Fascism had complicated relations with capitalism, which changed over time and differed between fascist states. Communism is the Eastern European brand of totalitarianism. Filed Under: Others Tagged With: fascism, Fascism and totalitarianism, Fascism vs totalitarianism, ideologies, political ideology, Political System, Single party political system, Totalitarianism, Totalitarianism political system. This control extends to all political and financial matters as well as the attitudes, morals, and beliefs of the people. Both are extreme forms of dictatorships that eventually collapsed in the eyes of history. They control corporations. @media (max-width: 1171px) { .sidead300 { margin-left: -20px; } } Education, religion, the arts and sciences, and even morality and reproductive rights are controlled by totalitarian governments. That’s when it slowly begins to develop into fascism where dissent is not tolerated, dissenters are punished and you live essentially under complete rule of this authoritarian figure. 29, 2021, thoughtco.com/totalitarianism-authoritarianism-fascism-4147699. Q. Fascism is a type of political government in which the state is being governed by a single political party. What Is Patriotism? These are revolved around the state through the media which is owned and controlled by the governing party and the right of speech of general public is kept restricted in order to save the control over the state by governing party. Totalitarianism political system survives with the help of propagandas. The political system where the country or state is being controlled by the power of a single political party is referred to the totalitarianism political system. 11. Longley, Robert. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/totalitarianism-authoritarianism-fascism-4147699. ThoughtCo. Socialism vs. Capitalism: What Is the Difference? Both share a similar aversion to democracy and liberalism. Stefano Bianchetti/Corbis via Getty Images. Another part of the world followed communism and some other were following the totalitarianism ideology. Socialism, on the other hand, is sort of like a counterfeit $20 bill. Rather than trying to allay that fear, totalitarian rulers encourage it and use it to ensure the people’s cooperation. To this end, fascists encourage the growth of cults of national unity and racial purity. Violence is promoted through fascists governments for the purpose of creating a powerful nation. Most of the ideologies are nowadays a mixture of various ideologies that were being followed in the past. The USSR is more correctly classified as a socialist republic. All nations have an official type of government as designated in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook. The ruling authority is making all the decisions by him and the ideology of such political system does not bear to consider the different aspects of a state which are related to life of general public. What is the difference between a dictatorship and a totalitarian type of political system? Fascism is a political system similar to the totalitarianism political system. Democracy and Totalitarianism are two types of government that they are significantly different from each other. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. "Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, and Fascism." However, a nation’s own description of its form of government can often be less than objective. In addition, the boundaries between various forms of government can be fluid or poorly-defined, often with overlapping characteristics. quite different from the monolithic image of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and fascism are all forms of government—and defining different forms of government isn't as easy as it might seem. Belief that non-Europeans were genetically inferior to Europeans or leaders re given power that they ’ given. Totalitarian states include Iraq under Saddam Hussein and North Korea under Kim Jong-un they to. 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