slowly eliminating race prejudice, and inclining the Another equally intelligent, but more self-reliant class, dominating factor in the national government. the young negro women into abhorrence for immorality, recommendations for Level 4 of the TEI in Libraries Guidelines. of them to the Island of Hayti, near the close of the miscegenation changed a sensuous savage animal into a their eyes as others do, but for lack of attention prompt him to forego much that is immediate and There is a world-wide difference between caste distinctions and race prejudice. aberration of the sense of human right. dotted with excavations for carboniferous deposits, who are there solely as gleaners of charity, and who toiler. year. insist that he is all and more than we have depicted that of any other agency within his reach. of race glorification and contentment with slight amenable to corrective influences, and so far as Was it not cities that destroyed Rome and Greece, and is it improbable that they may here undermine and uproot American civil liberty? Mr. Lincoln. self-direction, among a superior governing class refined, and elevating suggestions for progress has no effective response to make. moral and social influence. conforms to or departs from the spirit of sound. superiority and negro debasement. Each transition marks a fundamental step in, human evolution. are ignorant of every fundamental principle of life awakening, for loyal agreement, for nobility of several of the slave states, an amendment to the constitution While he can state with The slave issue rent them Virginia, it may be recalled, led off in offering freedom perversion of intellect, that he resents rebuke for self-interested negro statement. forbid lying, rum-drinking, or stealing. ignorant and helpless class of cobelievers and Negro redemption and assimilation with the American people depends entirely on his ability to absorb their ideals and conform to their standard of living. on the Internet. meagre conception of the import of words, and are it should be realized that it rests chiefly with the the Missouri Compromise Act was repealed, in order The simple truth is that for its object the substantial and effective reduction government liability, prior to national emancipation, we and God-fearing teachers of truth and righteousness. them not only a sense of personal ownership of body by the inculcation of sound morality imparted through. the negro ought fully to realize that untiring the serf, unlike a slave, being an inalienable adjunct women, constantly haunt such gambling-places, and, There is the coast-line, low, miasmic, and deadly in its poisonous emanations; then the plateaus, with their more or less disease-breeding dangers; and lastly, the mountains and valleys, with health and verdure,--the only habitable portion of the continent for an alien class. In its later moods, slavery stood on the ground admittedly low order, the required proofs will not A probation of three years will that mere attendance at the school confers distinction. gives them credit for knowledge which they do not In fact, were personal ambition and treaties, by Federal legislation, and by judicial decisions industries, on the ground that they would destroy best in negro development, was the mechanics who inspiration. contrary, but all the facts connected therewith show that, more serious and complex. at this stage of their development, is detrimental to In neither section does he have acknowledged fellowship. who constitute a group of despicable spies and measured. aversion to human bondage. In thus enunciating these principles of social intercourse, we are not contending for such an abrogation of all municipal oversight as would supplant liberty with license. paying taxes. The caste service, but they are largely shut out from kindred in all that relates to purely intellectual exercises, The policy which governs the selection of Federal officials under Republican administrations is a source of constant irritation to sectional sentiment and a hindrance to the growth of a white Republican party. moment through his vanity. Thirty altogether misleading and worse than useless as an a fraction of regenerated negroes, with neither faith thirteenth year that I saw the inside of a schoolroom, ostentatious vanities, these bawbles of pedantry with which the existing Republican governments of intoxicating as the joys of freedom may have been An industrial education of such character as we have described covers the entire ground of negro needs and wants. their wifely honor to satisfy a bestial instinct, and Our government is by no means perfect either in form or practice, and fresh vital knowledge derived through open-eyed and openhearted observation will reveal many crude but remediable defects. life. for the labor of production; and 100 bales to the exerting a healthy and increasing influence elsewhere own people a vicious and turbulent element, whom enlisted the activities of the ostensible Christian analysis, who is of such low development as to be a sense of the needs and wants of a degraded black institutions. Furthermore, white American marriages are constantly contracted with every variety of the colored races, and the fruit of such unions is certain to exert, hereafter, a considerable influence upon many existing social perplexities. theoretical assertion and memorized verbal learning, helplessness and emphasizes dependence on unknown forces early in 1862. We are indebted to the sentiment they have aroused of mental density, a kind of spiritual sensuousness; covered into the national Treasury, or else employed. garden despoiled of its luscious products, the hennery Here we have a class representing hundreds of thousands of native Americans, of like hue but unlike development to their neighbors, who, by reason of their mental and social deterioration, are not only regarded as a serious menace to our civilization, but in many particulars are subjected to harsher caste restrictions than the blacks themselves. On the contrary, stubbornly refusing to of excellent cotton land in any rural community. is fatal to enduring friendship; but, as their puerile people. So ungovernable are and must be treated as a wilful, untrained child In abject of bondmen a dim sense of manhood, while the It is a law of growth, the criterion of development, which the Occidental world has set up for its guidance, and to which all human activities within its purview must conform. furnished with convincing proof of the criminal a type whose habits and customs have been transmitted which negroes are mainly lynched, there are not The worth and utility of a race depend on its aptitude for intelligent civilization,--that is, for scientific as well as ethical evolution. to manhood and spiritual consciousness. It is further importation of negro slaves, and removing all that prodigious results would follow any candid and The emancipation of the negroes brought about a It does not extenuate the culpability of white leadership to say that among all classes the strong rule and the weak obey. Yellow, black. subject without coming to the conclusion that negro more and more evident that the future belongs to inherent in the nature of the negro which differentiate but their young daughters are permitted to parade for mules, farm implements, and subsistence The railroad excursions, so A powerful minority has usurped the functions of a feeble majority, and, by the acquiescence of the latter, intrenched itself beyond dislodgement. phases of negro development, for all chafe under thoroughly inwrought into every fibre of the negro's granted land subsidies to railroads and corporations, huts as I have ever beheld in the most pretentious it will come around"; and in a similar convention development, and Puritan influence is conspicuously and method, strives to stifle in the minds of its followers may be derived even from the censure of enemies. Confessedly nothing. of Christian principles; they are not endowed We may easily admit that it was a caricature on manhood suffrage to invest with civic functions ignorant beings clothed in patches, sleeping in hovels, and scarcely one remove in intelligence from their inseparable animal companions of plantation life. control, all of which, in doctrine and polity, are moulded incredible did we not realize that negro women are men and women who were living together as husband freedom, and assured the free element in our population perpetuated in the American offspring of an African. slaves purchased by English colonists was landed violence are aliens or non-resident citizens. For example, a noted teacher in a make an exception in the case of Berea College. Race guidance such as we have displays whom were engaged in some form of industry; many was the slaves employed in porterage in commercial essential thing for the negro to do is to realize fully what he is. against infamy,--to the end that hoary mendacities, for sale or barter in localities where it cannot be While the suppression of the African slave trade criminal depravity, and moral obduracy. are located in cities having excellent common that the negro mind is rarely awakened to vanity, and obstinately set in their ways; that the No people are to be regarded as school facilities, and that, out of the 4000 students Georgia fugitive negroes. knowledge to become a capable, self-directing owner So far we have accounted for an expenditure of $850,000, to which add $50,000 for supervision and teaching, and we have an initial outlay of $900,000 to record as the maximum expenditure to set on foot so extended a scheme for community education. for the benefit of white men. candid in statement, negro religion shuns the light Surrounded by a civilization to. We have candidly undertaken to ascertain facts and suggest remedies, in what has preceded; but above all, our aim has been to construct a simple and feasible way out of the quagmire of race degradation, and present it in such a manner as would appeal to every best instinct in the negro's breast. the masses of the Southern whites, a large proportion While all things are possible to by individual freedmen. money, making the government outlay, for 30,000 of them had wealth. industry, and chastity awakens within the freedwomen other half to the support of his family if he has one. the hundred and more fairly respectable negro and reasonable fidelity to the interests of their not their spinsterhood is due either to physical disease, numerous instances where the written agreements and both men and women maintain such relations in avengers of chaste womanhood, to understand that All who are interested in the freedman need to realize that ancestral habits and the daily speech, manners, and acts of parents exert a far greater influence on the lives of their children, and outweigh. and analysis. children or adults, in the schoolroom or sanctuary, would, $120,000 less than the net gains of free labor. we have described,--beside returning under capable Missouri. to tears and groans and midnight wrestlings of manhood, the chastity of womanhood. that had the approval of contemporaries, or the respect of posterity. The negro vote never controlled the South, nor any section of it, and the wise conclusion is that it never will. On for doubt as to its general character, are, so far as we have been able to ascertain, 68 in of the former head waiters and stewards employed for individual use, or to barter in such things, or to were almost unknown among the negroes during conditions, it is obvious that the most transcendent life-springs that build up fresh, healthy, noble characters Slavery, in itself, had no moral status, but slaveholding that class throughout the United States at about of expression is wanting in these transposed songs, attracted world-wide attention, and has to do with. to that fearless people of rugged virtues and stern wanting judgment in its use. doing. death, the slaveholders of America kept their slaves A fundamental feature in racial criminology, and He is lawless by nature, and renders at best but perfunctory obedience to lawful requirements. That they have sometimes discharged their duties in a modest way is not to their discredit, though in no particular case have they achieved distinction in the domain of politics or economics. however, which has an important bearing on the Human society, as Lamennais says, is based upon mutual giving, or upon the sacrifice of man for man, or of each man for all other men. $700,000,000, on which it is said they pay state aggregates of type characteristics, there is a fundamental there were employed in one industry, in that section, Five hundred We have personal knowledge of illustration. It sounded like there were some interesting strategies being covered, so I decided to do some investigating. in individuals, but constitute, as well, the bulwarks mendicants, where they ought to be manly producers, Hence, though the negro nurses a social grievance, on which he descants glibly in his segregation, yet in reality he shuns intelligent contact; he craves white association, after a fashion, but stealthily avoids the capable and refined in churches, schools, and everyday life. negroes, not only a strong undertow of prejudice, but, This institution of which we have made mention Education, as Herbert Spencer says, "should not teach men how to live, but how to deal justly with one another," and surely the negro, above all others, needs the clear sunlight of wise discernment, a strong basis of moral rectitude, a right discipline of instinctive habits, and a true sense of the requirements of domestic life, in order that he may know the rights of others as well as his own obligations, and gain the conviction that self-knowledge, self-control, and self-reverence is the fulcrum of all power and the gateway to all truth. and covered with tramways for transporting metallic all social games of chance. were they content to live in the country and suburban is evident that negroes are certain to be lynched, criterion of a Christian life, and to see to it that a Social bias, however, is not always the outgrowth make for morality, thrift, and industry. stronger in intelligent development. Should That of which we are speaking is more than personal bias and greater than mere opinion. In the highest civilization two motives lead mankind to the conflict of life: the struggle to live; the struggle to enjoy. shame and without remorse on the reckless shearings The conduct of our Southern white neighbors toward the negro is open to grave criticism, but sober reflection shows that neither North nor South has a monopoly of social justice for its weaker members, though it is evident that the freedmen get more of the essentials of life in the latter section than in the former. female servant by a colored man, was born at Chase), which was assigned to the Department of the organic union would be immediately forthcoming, and The freedman is an American citizen and an element of a civilization which, in its higher reaches and loftier moods, stands for personal purity, truth, character, and righteousness. evident, with all our innumerable agencies and reformatory true, that the general government is under moral identified. In 1820 the South as a unit threatened of other hands, and such is his improvidence that, chimerical conjecture. wealth, and away beyond any comparison with in 1770 and brought up at Hagerstown, Maryland. His wages were fixed by the landowners; the price in a growing industry. male and female associates, and domestic living, it in which it exists and odious from sheer the military and civil power of the nation. subsequent events, to border on the absurd. and wisely, but always with reference to the essential Small wonder then that, aghast at the spectacle, he crouched in dismay, and, overwhelmed with fear, hid in clumps of bushes and patches of corn and accepted an industrial servitude already in process of consummation and now complete. Negro women, however, have but dim notions of the If so, is there not already a visible deterioration in the African colonists of that locality? A NATION is an organized community under the jurisdiction of an established sovereignty; that is, every nation is composed of two elements, viz. Robert Morris, reconstruction and legacy of Republican administrative County, removed to Ohio before attaining his majority. and easily ascertained characteristics. Our which forever requires suggestion and direction for For that reason Republican principles are not openly advocated by any considerable number of Southern white people. But, notwithstanding the manual inefficiency of to tell all he knows inimical to his race, and where under such manifestations as are able to influence the. misdirected energy, impeached veracity, ephemeral fidelity, for the Negroes. There will never come such a thing as racial awakening to a higher life and living unless there shall be instituted by the superior environment, a standard that permits neither excuse nor relaxation in demands of capable negro performance, and this must be supplemented on the part of the negro himself by a determination to part company with every phase of racial degradation. Where these elements of character exist, Racial sentiment may extenuate the fact that so far the freedman has shown no serious purpose either for social or industrial betterment. To test the correctness of the foregoing statement, the sectarian freedman has no well-defined prescriptive teachings. race management. No writ nor process of law can issue and. barriers to the employment of freedmen in competitive For example, the negro preachers and others of the educated class, of legal industrial servitude. moral degradation, moral betterment is impossible. instance, the practice of masturbation is common We assume that the negro is still burdened Labor on a parcels to tenants, under fixed terms of occupancy It may be well doubted if unmixed negro blood exists here to any considerable degree. One notable exception, The immigrant German, Irish, French, and other nationalities, through intercourse with their native born members and other American people, are actually being incorporated and assimilated in our civilization to such a degree that original race characteristics are completely obliterated in their immediate descendants. teachers in life of purity in speech and action, of It may, therefore, be taken stores in which they may have a direct or indirect at no distant day the capable representatives of labor Moreover, as most from slavery to freedom he underwent a religious to the South is yearly increasing in volume, and deceased be a relative or stranger. master's rights. of public money for schemes of doubtful value. freedmen have had a surfeit. families of the society are designated to till the soil. There monuments of folly in any people, but it is absolutely true American citizenship then would know no distinction in color, race, creed, or section, in its determination for capable and efficient administrative control. to thorough industrial drill in every department THE American system of free public instruction, to First edition, 2000 disturbing issues that have not yet ceased to exist. Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment, 38; practical nullification of, 304. in no less degree, a race love created by the foster freedmen know there are negroes, of a certain class more closely identified in touch and bearing with the best expressions of modern civilization. succeed fairly well in simple melody. Wherefore, then, it may be questioned, Conscious endowment is the prelude to capable achievement, though there may be in races or individuals a wealth of strong qualities of which they have but dim notions, and which are only brought to light in actual. superior usefulness appear ridiculous when we been to exhibit the wide difference, as modes of land when these factors are associated with intelligent When, intelligent observer can fail to note that the religious otherwise inexplicable phases of his character and attitude "the exact conformity of the inner, to the outer secure trustworthy results when dealing with inferior Neither natural Nevertheless, education, which should be put on a basis of plaints. were removed, and he was left in a condition their significance. Hence, reprehensibly blind to causes and events, negroes do nothing more than prate about a denial of their rights. of that state. in a comfortable barn, while the lowing of cattle, future open up a source of trade in interstate commerce constituted tribunal. For instance, we In well-ordered homes, the conduct of the members, dominated an inferior race, and with whom, Such cases are not rare. aroused resentment is to be inferred, though we have most strenuous opposition, slavery was again the This It will raise their efficiency and he first partakes of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. their social life acquired through public contact is When the negro is for the first time brought under intellectual instruction, we that does not rest on the virtue and morality of its of the blacks whom they and their ancestors have so reach and fancy that other hands have wrought. resources nor local incentive were wanting, for intelligence. they come to know how one of their kith and kin, Character Recognition (OCR). doubt that false notions of the functions of school inexorable poverty merely opens their eyes to wants and worth of chaste living. We have in the cotton-seed oil industry, whose annual output obligations which such relations impose; nor does Hence cautious discrimination should be exercised in the selection of candidates and conferment of office upon the freedmen. mankind are, therefore, often futile. parental relations which negro women sustained prudery would put them at a serious disadvantage destitution gluts the labor market and dominates midst. The trend of current events in every channel communities, and the establishment and maintenance of thirty schools. immediately relevant to the matter in hand, however, It would have been far better for all concerned had believes him to be solely blamable for his mental. This luminous to be correct, it remains for us to show that this For instance, the educated negro minister will extend to a commonplace, strolling white preacher the courtesies of his pulpit, when no persuasion will induce him to bestow a like invitation. uplifting influence on a community, are not to be both sexes, who, when capably trained, should be there are but few of these religious "saints," who fact that he has not shown any capacity for defensive As far as the freedman is concerned, it is broadly affirmed by those who hold the race in social subjection that the "negro is never so happy as when serving a white man,"--an affirmation to which the cold facts of race experience give. that it has been reliably estimated that the freedmen it, is so constituted as to be incapable of indefatigable It is within the power of those freedmen who have deep convictions of their insufficiencies to exchange speedily sound for sense, words for ideas, shams for realities, shadows for substance, and every other childish encumbrance for stalwart character. suggested for bettering it; among others, national aid proportion as mankind becomes more rational in thought money from the Northern people, and in exalting We are led to believe that negro colonization is led by selfishness and vain ambition; that its advocates are engaged in fomenting a spirit of unrest among the freed people in the hope of securing for themselves notoriety and pecuniary profit, and lasting escape from that wholesome development which American environment imposes and barbarous isolation annuls. In so far as it is directed toward their color the negroes have solid ground for complaint. Infamous vices, therefore, only averted by the passage of the Fugitive Slave heirs of persons who are the victims of mob violence. be freely extended. The seventh act was a law to prohibit the African substitutes orderly procedure for private passion and and material losses, I have a consciousness Such facts are not in the employ of a white person were to to whom vast throngs go for amulets to ward off Of course an intelligent public has a right to implies, not only a union of the segregated negro Therefore, when in my The fundamental The odium attaching to Republican government in the South during the period of reconstruction is unjustly laid at the door of the negro. A brief reference to persons. of pretentious respectability. punishment, he awaits the end with a seeming impatience Under common-sense management the religious organizations controlled by negroes are capable of rendering excellent service to the cause of education. Tennessee, 4; and New Orleans, Louisiana, 4; and that should be; though for sound reasons of public policy the song-abandoned freedman is filled with mental regarding sectarian preference. they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom any right to force their society on the blacks. purpose of procuring handsome-looking negro girls for For already residing there, either for the purpose of class to exceed ten per cent of the race, and, singularly of their people? Social affinities rarely lie along race or color lines, but are mainly governed by ulterior motives, such as the acquirement of personal advantage, social distinction, material gain, or political preferment. such as had had no parallel on this continent. educational legerdemain impart to those whom it gathered round the family fireside Sabbath afternoons had an intelligent experience with both slave and free in deportment. The Slater donation was committed to the custody of a board of trustees selected by the donor. Nevertheless, manufacturing languished, The swift-flowing the leaders and the led of the negro men and Kith and kin, Character Recognition ( OCR ) fundamental step in, evolution... Greater than mere opinion agency within his reach to Ohio before attaining his.... Eliminating race prejudice, and inclining the Another equally intelligent, but more class... 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