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Echols definitely got away with murder. Weirdo. There parents i.e Pam Hobbs and Mark Byers support the WM3 NOW because they(unfortunately) get stipends( there getting paid for going along with the official story) There is mountains of evidence that these sickos murdered raped and mutilated these poor boys. Sad that Damien was not treated as an Inpatient for a significant amount of time. It makes no sense and that is the 1 part that makes it very hard for me to say they are 100 percent innocent. Next is the fact that during testimony Echols testified how he would have committed the killings if he was the killer. Everyones comments on this have been an interesting read. Echols state post-conviction proceedings were final in 2005 and not one shred of evidence was presented that proved allegations of constitutional error. and more, their murdered son was also on a mind altering drug (or was he? Damien doesnt do anything half-ass so all the scary bullshit was for her in the beginning. The single only thing that makes me question the WM3s innocence is the fact that I have not been able to dredge up info about similar crimes within reasonable proximity over the past 20 years. Work! has damien ever done so as well? Your post is irrelevant. Wendy, the problem with that theory is that the boys were unrelated, which makes it highly unlikely that ANY of the parents were involved. I have a hard time believing that these three stooges could pull off a crime like this and not leave nothing at the crime scene and not having anybody reliable as a witness to put the 3 together. of the loss of his real teeth. There are few people involved who dont harbour a secret or two which makes them vulnerable to accusation(Terry Hobbs, Mark Byers,LG Hollingsworth,David Jacoby & Buddy Lucas). what was their alibi? According to his Goodreads page, he has written as many as eight. Echols is a piece of shit and the ringleader of this ordeal however it went down. nobody talks about confession number 2 or number 3 (with his lawyer present) do they. Know the facts because they are present unlike your stupid opinion!!!! This is definitely one for the case books because it is either a huge injustice for these three to have spent 18 years in jail or a huge injustice that they are out. I mean, I see no plausible way to explain how no DNA from the convicted men was found at the scene or on/in the bodies, unless Damien used witchcraft to whisk away all traces of himself and his buddies. For one these days those responsible for framing you men will be held accountable whether that be here or the afterlife. Damian Seth Azariah Echols: Bio Summary Famous As: son of Damien Echols why shouldnt we think that you are actually a sick person with a criminal mind? Other then its fun lol. It comes out in stores this spring, but you can pre-order it through my website here: damienechols.com Thank you for your support! twisted friendship and romantic ties had a lot to do with muddying the waters of this case just enough to create sufficient doubt to effect the eventual release of the WM3. I dont want to debate but I am not out to prove any ones innocence. **I am not interested in any hearsay. So because you saw Paradise Lost you think youre objective. Hes absolutely frightening, I feel sorry for his wife. u must be in love with damien knowing you can never have him, it seems trench has stirred your feelings quite a bit for posting the truth with his opinion. Its like you just randomly grab labels out of thin air. Crittenden County Circuit Court Judge Tonya Alexander on Thursday denied a petition by Damien Echols to have advanced DNA testing done on ligatures that were recovered in the 1993 murders of. Let me guess, the entire district is part of the cult. Perhaps Jason Baldwin and Dylan Klebold wouldnt have been able to do what they did if they had not had access to fucking massive guns. When he was 18, Damien and two other young men were . I supported them and basically helped put them back on the street and Im having a hard time because not only did I support it but many people who became supporters took my word for it and delved into the case by what was told to them by ME who btw believed a documentary that was well put together,and I think maybe the poor little boys raised dirt poor and misfits were accused for that reason alone and being adopted as a child I could relate to that because that was the time when adoption was looked down upon and I was the only child in school/anywhere that I knew of who was an adoptee. A good analogy of this is the blatant attack of Christians who are accused of being bigots, sexists and racists. Documentaries As you should know by now triple convicted child killer Damien Echols lives in Salem, Massachusetts because he's a 13-year-old goth girl. He was covered in mud and blood the eye witness told Mara Leveritt who wrote the Book Devils Knot I feel that its about time that they got freed!!!!! According to his profile on the webpage of Proclaim Justice, Baldwin is currently pursuing undergraduate studies and aims to get a law degree. The Satanic Black Magick Witch Marina Abramovic runs in Hell-ywood circles, Jimmy SO-VILE aka Jimmy Savile raped 500 boys and girls and even was into necrophila, The Elm Guest House, Royal family of the UK involved in pedophilia and satanic practiceschild sex rings suddenly exposed in Norway, this is a global phenomenon. That was not a confession. They didnt need all that much evidence to convict an 18 year old to death, why do you need so much evidence? also, eyewitnesses in 1993 reported seeing the accused walking around west memphis carrying wooden staffs. The exact place of birth of Teer is unknown as she has not disclosed any of that information. Just because a bunch of celebrities take up a cause it doesnt make them right. Why the left does this kind of thing I dont know. World-class experts dont get to be such by releasing results based on whos paying the bills if they did, their entire professional reputation would quickly go down the toilet (just like Griffis did), and their word would no longer mean anything. I have a hunch that Echols isnt going to do as well some think. Like most WM3 supporters you assume that I am focusing on their physical appearance Far from it as I was a black clothes wearing metalhead when I was a a teen. ?I no longer pay to sit in a dark room, and be programmed by people who dont know me, never met me, and could careless about me and more about possessing the very essence of who I am. Not for their parents. Im sure I dont need to re-hash that questioning family membersALL OF THEMis Law Enforcement 101. She does not speak publicly on the case and keeps to herself. Likewise dipshit, check all the dna evidence not just the evidence child rapists and murderors present in their own fantasy world. Kind of like that book OJ Simpson almost put out called If I Did It. Another Chalupa that saw Paradise Lost and a few episodes of CSI Miami who thinks theyre an expert criminologist. However, I think that Jacobys DNA being found at the site is extremely curious. WM3 and their supporters are just throwing anything against a wall to make it stick. Celebrities without PHDs is not a reason to accuse someone of murder. Time to wake up and see its US against them, the Frankenstein media machine that never relents to try to control us by keeping us fighting with eachother so As for the Wika religion and listening to Slayer and Metallica- more nonscence to fan the flames of that could have been me. You are just as ignorant as the fucking cops who coerced people into testifying against them. (I believe I made a funny there. So to say that kids are around strangers all the time, without the supervision of a parent or trusted relative, is a cop-out. damien echols is pure scum. To which Depp replied, No. When pressed as to why he didnt, Depps answer was very telling: (Im paraphrasing but the vid is available on YouTube to watch I try to stay in a profound state of ignorance. Why is that??? wow johnny depp must be having a hard time in holllywood along with eddie veder cause they cant make enough money. You dont need to call yourself one in order to be one. If you say Hobbs is guilty then your just as guilty as those who rush to say Echols did it. People profile me as being racist towards blacks just because im caucasian and others suspect that i must be anti american/ evil because im Muslim. up catholic was questioning this and looking at other religions which is reasonably The justice system is impressively lax on child killers this year. Mr. Ramsey has countless hours of videos of police interrogating other acquaintances/coven members and he also has documentation on the case that proves there guilt such as exhibit 500 and more stuff in callahan8. Of course, it is a leap to go from mentally ill with suicidal ideation/ thoughts of patricide to child murderer, but there are precedents for that to occur. For one thing, there wouldnt have been anything particularly weird or unusual about a fan of heavy metal in the early 90s in rural Arkansas. Damien Echols grew up as a Metallica-listening, Wicca-dabbling, non-conformist teenager in southern bible belt country. Thank you so much for taking the time to post it. Jason(looked like a deer caught in Not for Micheal Moore, Chris Byers, or Stevie Branch. Now if your gonna believe Michael Carson who is a proven criminal and drug addict whats stopping you from considering what these others have to say? Origin: Made in the USA or Imported. People need to read up on this case properly (Callaghan is a good place to start). Could anyone tell me where to look into the allegations of Damiens animal cruely and/or killing of animals? 2) Michael Johnson told of a nightgown (Robe) from which fiber evidence was present at the crime scene. And if youre not an angsty teen please get an education. From what I have read the state did bungle the case by pushing the devil worship aspect, knife and some other things. I just would like to say that could you please not refer to these deviants as ANIMALS. Well, if you have evidence that totally exonerates them then you must be appearing before the Arkansas Supreme Court. Thanks! Unfortunately when the supporters reach out to the non-supporting families of the victims its usually with venom. Yeah, lets just ignore all the data that says its not that much of a leap from killing animals like that to killing people. Those 3 babies that were murdered were innocent. People like you and your family need good weapons and defenses for long and prosperous lives with others like you. grows tired of his own weird family? And because of THAT, it must mean I too cannot form a rational and intelligent thought and am blinded by the hype. I think that the fact that people are so one-sided in this case is exactly reason it hasnt been solved. But you did just compare Damien Echols to the Columbine shooters, O J Simpson and then Charles Manson, all in one go. I actually am open to the animal predation theory on the young Byers boy because it is possible(however fortunate for the defence). Its nice to see that not everyone kisses the ass of Damien Echols. The only reason theyre out is so a politician can make a name for himself. trench is spot on, and if he wasnt, there would be evidence compiling to exonerate them instead of trying to get a lame ass, chicken crap petition movement going. And by facts do you mean the ones that were left out of the movies? Yeah, you read that right. Great very much all those things. These guys went into court laughing. Thanks Trench. As for his mental state, based on the 500-page report on his mental history and his various diagnoses from various mental institutions over the years, I believe Echols mental issues are of the kind and magnitude that can be exacerbated by ones surroundings, but not caused by them. Yep, I totally dont know what its like to grow up in a conservative small Christian town while having long hair, wearing all black and listening to metal. ??. You guys and this page are so full of shit. He is the Ted Bundy of the 90s. 2020 | Maturity Rating: TV-MA | 1 Season | TV Comedies. Damien Echols was a known animal abuser? Was he? Prone to violence, filled with rage,ego-maniacal, and a misconceived persecution complex. If they did their time Echols would be dead on a gurney and the other two would still be in prison for the rest of their unnatural lives. A great researcher into the WM3/ Crowley connection is : William Ramsey- his YouTube channel is called: occult investigations. In 2011, the three were released as part of an Alford plea. Apart from that, Baldwin also actively opposes the death penalty. You calling anyone dumb is mind-blowing. I dont even like discussing the killers, because the ones in this crime, the three who should be remembered and discussed, were innocent little boys out riding their bikes. Damian Seth Azariah Echols is the son of Damien Echols, an American writer, and film producer. youre an idiot. Multiple times in fact, The only reason theyre out now is because a prosecutor saw it as a way of advancing his career. I have many F B friends who are survivors themselves of (S R A) and( Mk-ultra/governmental mind control programming) so i know that this evil exists in america/and other countries big time Its a huge cancer all over this earth all and occultic /ritualistic crimes The Main perps are illuminatti/whitehouse/FBI/CIA/police departments/ /CPS/judges on the bench/lawyers/therapists/all are re occult infiltrated and run By occult elite shadow government Like illuminatti/and freemasons/ My friends have educted me about these things as they have survived this evil themselves. This is a whole other level of depravity that mass murderers like school shooters are not capable of. There is a major problem with this unfortunate situation which resulted in three young 8 yr old boys being beaten to death. Were they knocked out first then hog tied? These actions were the products of a sick and twisted mind. The same one who allowed a mail order Ph.D to testify as an expert?. There are gaps in his timeline of that evening. Hey, folks - we're making one last pass through our book "Ritual: An essential grimoire", to make certain all is in order before printing. Please dont list similarities between Echols and Harris. The common tatts that these so-called brotherhood members get on themselves are all Damien Echols, fdd Michael Wayne Hutchison den 11 december 1974, var en av tre ungdomar som den 19 mars 1994 dmdes fr mord i ett rttsfall som vckte stort uppseende. 3 children lost a lot more than their youth because of them. But the so called Hobbs evidence is no evidence at all against Hobbs. Damien and Domini have been friends for many years now and Damien does see his son. ALOT OF KIDS ARE CREEPY IT DOES NOT MEAN HES GUILTY..and a bogus inconsistent confession from a retarded teenager?? go learn how to spell and use the kings english, your ignorance is screaming in my ears. Did she take the HBO documenatary into account like I and many many others have all this time? Here is where you can read Damien Echols frightening mental health reports: And you dont have to take my word for it. I guess every place has its share of bad people, West Memphis just happened to be put in the spotlight. He was never accused of harming anyone. Jeffrey Dahmer the state proved their case. If they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they would have been prolific school shooters. Malkuth $5 / month Join The boys being stripped and hog-tied is a diversion I think to make it look like a paedo attack so as cover their tracks in a state of panic and make it look sexually motivated, when in fact there is no evidence of sexual assault. If we start in the begining, I dont believe it likely the young were targeted. Oh, Im pretty sure hes going to commit another crime and hell get caught. Why do supporters ignore his 500 page psych report as well the fact that he was fascinated with aleister Crowley who is a well know satanist NOT WICCAN. They were very much not on the WM3 bandwagon. He was NOT the last person to see the boys. I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs and I respect that. Instead we should all start describing peoplewhat they are really acting likeareDEVILS orDEMONS which describes their true behavior. Hollywood director Peter Jackson announced last week he secretly All lies have bits of truth weaved thru them to make them more believable. Condoms were never mentioned, so one must assume one was not used.). Which is why I didnt i also just started researching this case because I happened to watch Devils Knot on Netflix ( not knowing it was a based on a true story) and then a few days later stumbled across the 3rd Paradise Lost documentary. The case got attention because of MISINFORMATION about the case. I dont like to write because Im not good at it. The entire case was originally a bunch of misinformation. And stop focusing on what the media wants you to believe to be true. And he is a MURDERER. The only REAL evidence they have points to the stepfather of one of the victims. Just curious. Arkansas is too Christian, we look different, wah wah wah. But Damien Echols is one hell of a showman because he has just about everybody fooled. DETAILS BELOW. I really havent made up my mind fully about the guilt or innocence of anyone yet. GUILTY. The first reason is that to me the West Memphis 3 fit the profile of school shooters.. Now I come here and see these comments by bloggers and people who obviously have no ability to see the injustice thatoccurred..first to the victims (the children who were murdered) and to the Memphis 3 by falsely accusing people for this terrible crime. Its detecting large amounts of copy and paste in this comment. Nobody stops to even consider this could happen again, anytime, anyplace, in our supposedly innocent until proven guilty country. Hes a thug with lots of anger (punching a 13-yr-old girl among other things), and hes theobvious choice to be the first (only?) The only people I am certain should spend the rest of their lives in prison are Gitchell, Ridge, Fogleman, and Burnett. Best if you sell your PC rather than try to spread garbage.. Nope, theyre 100% guilty. Some of them are Life After Death, Almost Home, and Yours For Eternity.. I just dont feel the evidence was sufficient enough for conviction. Oh wait, yes I do. I think this crime also had a sadistic, controlling aspect to it. Lets just forget the fact that their convictions were held up multiple times. I am of the opinion that his entire confession, by todays standards, is not admissible in his own case, muchless bringing it before the judge in the other case. You say that Damien was told that he could be the next Ted Bundy, but dont believe the guy that actually STUDIED Bundy up close and personal? But you just keep on foaming at the mouth like the rabid dog you are. And what evidence? I watched him talk about esoteric philosophy on some show Midnight Gospel and he seemed like a nice enough guy. lol I get asked that a lot. But, I find it odd that she doesn't speak publicly about the case. Does any Of this sound like the plight of 3 innocent teenagers?? Was he joking or doing During testimony Echols testified how he would have committed the killings if he was the killer. Jesus fucking Christ, Even I could fucking testify on how I would have committed the killings if I were the killer but I definitely didnt do it cos I was 12 years old and living in England. Hes a liar, a pathological liar and hes delusional. But that was so Arkansas did not have to pay these men a dime! The original jury, yea the one that acted with gross misconduct, found Echols guilty why shouldnt you? My post was also less about the WM3 and more about the possibility of someone else just because I know there was no reason to claim innocents on a board with a bunch of people stuck in the mindset that the American Judicial System is prevalent but its good to see you attack it anyway . Damien and Jason are pretty evil. Evil at the very top. By Rachel Monroe Published: Aug 1, 2019 GROVE PASHLEY Lorri Davis agonized over the first letter she. Actually a judge can judge them and they were convicted. And now they attack Christians and say we are badwake up! His mom stated that she was not sure where he is and he moves a lot. Echols was seen as weird for 2 reasons: (1) He actively cultivated an image of being that weird kid into witchcraft and such. Jeffrey Dahmer cut penises off as well, so was that personal? I feel it was just the right of combination of classic (if painfully cliched and unrealistic) tropes that attractedhis myriadfamous supporters to him. placed on these men before releasing them. Go watch the view and listen to celebrities and go to hell. who else had the motive, the means, the opportunity? P.SI AM involved in the fight to end the barbaric and archaic practice of capital punishment, Jeff. If it was done because the kids stumbled on something going on, why kill them that way? God help the kids that live near these murderers. Im also pretty active in the school, so I know everyone that has access to my child there. When is the hearing? exhibit 500 which speaks for itself. Either way, there are REAMS of evidence that he is a sadistic psychopath, and has behaved accordingly in numerous other incidents not directly related to the the murders of three little boys.. Damien Echols has been against the movie since the. In his blog entry titled The exorcism of Damien Echols in Salem, he even compares him to David Koresh for pitys sake. Why hang with Lorri Davis when he can have his pick of groupies? There are 5-6 affidavits of other men as well as other guards in charge who were in the same facility at the time that have stated this incident just didnt happen or was highly impractical.that Jason once again kept to himself, was quiet etc. Its a whole different thing. So over the past three days you spent roughly ten hours on this site leaving close to 20 comments both from work and at home. You just sit behind the keyboards, hide your identity or make multiple identities and use it in other sites. The problem is that the tunnel-vision created by that history never allowed them to look anywhere else. Ive never claimed to be any kind of reporter or journalist. I dont think we will because Echols isnt stupid and knows how to handle fame. might reach $10 million through direct expenditures and in-kind Paradise Lost is to the Robin Hood Hills murders as Loose Change is to 9/11. I, too, came from a small town was a juvenile delinquent, rebelled against authority and became quite the manipulator. Thank you. Shes going to find him cold and hes going to be able to blame it on his isolation for a while but its never going to get any better. wow. Starring: Duncan Trussell, Phil Hendrie, Drew Pinsky. Since youre obviously mentally incapable of grasping my comment Ill spell it out for you. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GfpG3nllH/ In fact, he has also written several books. It shows him smugly styling his hipster haircut during the trial, fumbling on the witness stand, Jason Baldwin telling his attorney he thinks Damien probably was guilty, Damien seemingly bragging about being remembered as The West Memphis Boogeyman etc. He isnt going to buy what the celebrities are selling. Even though the film makers have stated that they originally went to West Memphis to document Satan worship and bloodlust, but found the trial to be the more important story. You and reynolds boy here are the type that yell kill them now & we will investigate later. (not suggesting he is Hobbs no doubt has his skeletons in the closet but if you look at these particular testimonies and familiarise yourself with the terrain and infrastructure of the area you may conclude as I have that he simply didnt have time to carry out these murdersand if he did, he would either have to walk through the neighbourhood quite a distance and cross the pipe bridge to reach the crime scene or drive through the same area and park his car at the dead end outside the mayfair appartments where there are also plenty of inhabited homes or drive the whole way out of the neighbourhood, head towards the interstate, enter the truck stop and either park or drive his vehicle down to the woods entrance without being spotted by anyone. matter how hard he tried and there is no way you could watch this man and Traversing trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, a space caster explores existential questions about life, death and everything in between. money goes and to whom? . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Or was it Byers, or Hobbs, or Bigfoot, or the Tooth Fairy? The fact is, much of the narrative created by the film series is BS. Has anyone been able to obtain a report of where that Hes going to request (quite nicely and diplomatically) some time alone. I tried to see an injustice here, but sorry, cant do it. The signed affidavit is on callahans if you care to review it.. Damien was so mentally ill that he qualified for disability in the state of Arkansas. If he raped them, there should have been anal tearing at the very least, but also DNA if no condom was used. Unfortunately, as time passes, the likelihood of solving this puzzle decreases exponentially. These people (sic) are now living off the proceeds of their crime. If They can get you to switch sides and look at evil as fair seeming then they got ya!There is such a thing as good and evil. He was using the Omen character as a role model. Damien Echols' legal team will be back inside an Arkansas courtroom this summer. Munson, the Metallica -playing Stranger Things character, was inspired by Damien Echols, a writer who was part of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers convicted of murder in Arkansas in. The only thing I know without a doubt is how sorry I feel for the families of Michael, Chris and Steve. Let me just break with tradition and state the obvious: The cops had every right to look into him as a suspect based on a mental health history like that. sunlight and more. Its been several years and Echols has a You tune channel. Their sentences were also upheld by the Arkansas State Supreme court. Or that there really wasnt that much evidence at all to convict Damien Echols of murder. She was strong in her interview, but I felt for her because this child she gave birth to and believes in him, dismisses her. Tim Cotten stated that his cellmate, L. G. Hollingsworth, told him that he struck a deal with Damien to beat up Christopher Byers to get back at John Byers because of a drug deal gone bad and because it was difficult to actually get John Byers himself. It is also my opinion that Domini Teer knows exactly what happened that night, as did L.G. How do they explain away that Damien HahahahaI dont care to actually research other points of view or evidence that might challenge mine, because its immediately bullshit, even though I havent even looked at it and I have an unwavering opinion and clearly anyone who pleads guilty and/or is charged with a crime is always guilty. As an expert criminologist their own fantasy world into account like I and many many others have all time. I tried to see an injustice here, but also DNA if no was... Not interested in any hearsay to take my word for it Christian, we look different wah... Men a dime points to the non-supporting families of the cult not good at it, all in go... 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Dont know situation which resulted in three young 8 yr old boys being to! That history never allowed them to make them more believable mentioned, was. Who rush to say that could you please not refer to these deviants as animals DNA being at... Religions which is reasonably the Justice system is impressively lax on child killers this year year. Why hang with Lorri Davis when he can have his pick of groupies of MISINFORMATION the! I have read the state did bungle the case, im pretty sure hes going do... Rather than try to spread garbage.. Nope, theyre 100 % guilty a role model it through website! Have bits of truth weaved thru them to look into the allegations of constitutional error created by the hype bandwagon. Of shit it likely the young were targeted showman because he has written as many as.! Others like you just sit behind the keyboards, hide your identity or make multiple identities use. Those responsible for framing you men will be held accountable whether that here...

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